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Hi, I’m Adam. I am pleased to welcome you to my site about tourism. When you travel to new locations across the globe, you are often welcomed as a tourist. The locals may provide you with lodging, food and other services that make you feel at home. You must abide by the local rules and customs to avoid offending your new hosts. I will discuss the tourism experience for each location in the world. I hope you can use the information on my site to make the most of your travels. Feel free to visit my site about tourism anytime. Thanks.


3 Must-See Destinations When Traveling To Peru With The Kids

Traveling to Peru as a family will give you and your children an opportunity to explore different cultures, foods, and customs that can make a positive impact in your lives as time goes on. The Amazon Rainforests should be an essential stop on your travel roster – there are many other fascinating places to consider adding to your itinerary too. Consider including the following three destinations on your must-see list:

Machu Picchu

Considered to be the best-known archeological site in on the continent, Machu Picchu offers an excellent learning experience in culture, geography, and history for you and the kids to soak up. Almost forgotten until the 20th century, this spectacular ancient city has plenty in store for the family to marvel at. While there, consider exploring:

  1. The Historical Sanctuary – As the starting point for various hikes and trails, and a cornerstone of historical information in the area, the Sanctuary is a treasure. Visit early to ensure the family has enough time to explore all the sites.
  2. Intipunku – Take the family for a challenging hike to the Sun Gate, which is designated as the original entrance to Machu Picchu. Follow the trail south of the Citadel to marvel at the ancient terraces and temples that have been there for ages.
  3. The Sacred Plaza – Considered to be the political center of Machu Picchu's urban center, the area features several temples that surrounded by terraces designed to accommodate the huge number of attendees that used to visit for festivals and special events throughout the year.
  4. Principle Temple – Referred to as the lost city by locals and travelers alike, this three-sided temple offers a unique look into the past as its original architectural design has been almost entirely preserved.

All of these locations will provide you and the kids with insight into Peru's culture, and give the family an opportunity to expand on your ideas of who you share the world with.

Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca

Start one of your exploration days in Peru by taking a boat trip to the floating islands of Lake Titicaca, which are home to the Uros Tribe. Legend has it that the tribe precedes the Incan civilization and has existed before the sun, when the earth was cold, dark, and scary. The islands are made of wild reeds that grow in the nearby waters. Their dense nature supports the top layer of the islands and the structures built upon them, but the reeds must be replaced consistently to minimize rotting and the danger of structural damage occurring.

Members of the Uros tribe make their homes out of the same reeds the islands are supported with, making for an insightful experience that will enchant your little ones with broader ideas of how indigenous peoples throughout the world may live. In addition to enjoying short nature trails, frolicking on unique beaches, and tasting locally made treats, you'll find a variety of island-crafted goods available at stands throughout the islands that you can take home and use to infuse a little tribal tradition into your family's lifestyle.

Huacachina Sand Dunes

Located in Southwestern Peru, Huacachina is a small village that's built around an awe-inspiring oasis. Beyond the village lies desert sand dunes as far as the eye can see. Enjoy sand buggy tours, community shopping excursions, waterside picnics, and even sandboarding with the family while you're there. Do as the locals do and bathe in the muddy waters in the area, which are said to have curative powers that help rejuvenate the body.

These destinations are sure to pique interest in your kids no matter their age because there are so many different aspects to appreciate at each place. Plan to spend an entire day enjoying each excursion so you don't end up feeling rushed to meet your itinerary. You can schedule a family tour at any one of these destinations too! For more information, contact a company that offers custom Peru tours.